Tourism Films category winners qualify for the World’s Best Tourism Film Awards

Did you know that in 2010, the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards became an official member of the International Committee of Tourism Festivals (CIFFT)? Created in 1989, CIFFT aims to encourage the audiovisual industry's creativity and economic development linked to the promotion of tourism destinations, products, and services.
Today, video is one of the most powerful tools in the communication strategy of any brand or business. In tourism, one of the largest economic sectors in the world, there is no difference. Tourism brands bet on creative and engaging videos to present their destinations, products, and services. Travel videos are commonly used to build a genuine connection with the consumers and stimulate the desire to explore new tourism experiences, in order to get more visitors.
The World's Best Tourism Film Awards (CIFFT) is an annual competition in the format of a "Championship" or "League” that aims to encourage tourism destinations to achieve excellence in tourism communication using video. At the end of the year, the best travel videos will be announced and awarded by CIFFT in Vienna, Austria.
Endorsers such as the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), ETC (European Travel Commission, CTO (Caribbean Tourism Organization), and CATA (Centro America Tourism Association) officially support and acknowledge the work of CIFFT.
Thus, together with 13 other international festivals spread across four continents, the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards embody the most prestigious awards and recognition initiative in the Travel Video Marketing Industry.
Since the first festival edition, the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards recognize the importance and potential of audiovisual productions in tourism promotion by creating a separate category for tourism films. From then on, the tourism sector, creative agencies and filmmakers enter their videos in the "Tourism Films" category, expecting to win one of the coveted Dolphin Trophies.
All the winners of the “Tourism Films” category automatically receive points for the CIFFT Ranking List according to the awards obtained, and thus becoming candidates in the run for the title of World's Best Tourism Film.
The CIFFT Ranking List is divided into six thematic categories: Tourism Destinations Cities, Regions, and Countries, Tourism Products, Tourism Services, and Independent Filmmakers.
The more festivals the videos participate in, the more chances they have to be among the best.
As a conclusion and to satisfy your curiosity, here one of the past Grand Prix CIFFT winners:
All other winning films and information about CIFFT can be found here: