The 12th Cannes Corporate Media & TV Award’s Grand Prix goes to Fynal GmbH

This year's winner of the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards Grand Prix deals with a topic that seems more relevant and urgent than ever: the persistent crisis in the nursing industry and the image problem of nursing professions in general. Forgotten for a long time and now more topical than ever due to the worldwide pandemic that keeps us under control.
How important these professions are and how precarious the situation in this industry is at the same time has not only been shown by the Corona pandemic but is also demonstrated by the multi-award-winning campaign for REHCURA GmbH "Pflegestufe Rot".
In a very sensitive and empathetic way the film ”Applaus reicht nicht aus” from Fynal GmbH reveals the dilemma that people in nursing professions are facing - living up to one's own professional ethos, but constantly coming up against one's own limits and those of the system. It impressively shows that the political and social recognition for people working in this industry that was expressed with public applause at the very beginning of the pandemic is not enough and that something must fundamentally change so that those who care for the weakest in society do not end up being among them. The film was viewed over 2.5 million times across all channels in 48 hours and emotionalized an entire professional sector.

Using the protagonist of the campaign as an example, the creators pointedly illustrate what it's like to constantly receive applause, while at the same time neither working conditions and wages nor the state of the industry in general are improved in any way. Pierre Boekhoff, Lena Kranz, Johanna Budde und Christian Albrecht came up with the idea for the film. It was written by Dustin Steinkühler and directed by Marvin Litwak.
Let’s take a look at this “powerful film that gets everything right”, as the jury stated.
The two brains behind this campaign are Matthias Menne and Julian Stranzky, both of whom work in the care sector themselves. Their aim was to highlight the deplorable state of the nursing profession in a provocative and emotional way, thereby mobilizing the nursing community in Germany to stand up for their own profession and to campaign for better working conditions. Part of the campaign was also to create a platform on the Internet where caregivers can exchange ideas and share their personal experiences.
The jury stated that Fynal GmbH implemented this assignment in a very clever way and created „[a] great film that sensitively and yet critically addresses a social deficiency that could not be more topical and important — and is already at risk of vanishing into oblivion! Masterfully implemented, in terms of content, dramaturgy, as well as production!”
For Marvin Litwak, Head of Creation/CEO Fynal GmbH is this film a heart project to draw the attention on the crisis in the nursing sector, which is more evident and visible than ever, also due to the ongoing pandemic situation. With this film, they wanted to stand by the people in the care sector, make their voices heard and, even if with a hammer, clearly pound the table.
Congratulations Fynal GmbH and REHCURA GmbH!