Preisträger 2023

The very best in corporate media & TV of the year.

Die Gewinner der 14. Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2023:

Grand Prix for Best Corporate Media

Studying is what you make of it! CH

Einreicher:Seed Audio-Visual Communication AG
Auftraggeber:FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Produzent:Seed Audio-Visual Communication AG
Regie:Mirjam & Lukas Fröhlich

Grand Prix for Best Documentary

Once Upon a Time in Tsavo – Episode 1: A Time of Plenty AT

Einreicher:Terra Mater Studios GmbH
Auftraggeber:Terra Mater Studios GmbH
Produzent:Terra Mater Studios GmbH
Agentur:Autentic Distribution
Regie:Mark Deeble, Victoria Stone

Company of the Year

Aramco SA


Production Company of the Year

Terra Mater Studios GmbH AT